April 19, 2013

Yannick Alleno's Interest in Lebanon Fades Away: Le S.T.A.Y Closes its Doors

After publishing the latest news about Yannick Alleno's new openings in Paris, Danielle Issa, from Beirutista Blog messaged me saying that S.T.A.Y restaurant in Beirut has closed its doors a couple of months ago.


Danielle Said:"Alleno withdrew from Sweet Tea and Le S.T.A.Y. The former is being renamed “The Garden,” while the latter was closed."

Indeed, after getting in touch with some of my sources inside Solidere, the news was confirmed. Yannick Alleno left Lebanon for good, closing his restaurant behind, a concept that was not doing well since day one. When I met with this great chef a couple of month ago, I felt his unhappiness towards his Lebanese multimillion dollars restaurant and here, I looked at my wife and said: "Something is fishy! The restaurant is closing soon!" Is it because it's expensive? Or is it its bizarre decoration? Or is it its super complicated pastry? Or the over cost that couldn't be covered? Or maybe its the level of culinary sophistication that's not yet appreciated in Lebanon?


Lebanon is witnessing the disappearance of its main premium restaurants. Le S.T.A.Y closed followed by Chez Sophie and God knows who's next.

Are we turning into a Burger Nation?

We have the international know-how of sophisticated dishes from all around the world, let's not let all the good places disappear?

On another hand, Sweet Tea, owned and managed by Solidere is still open with the offering the same menu with lighter prices.

S.T.A.Y Articles:

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