April 02, 2014

The World's Tiniest Sushi - On a Single Rice Grain

Fine dining may have a tendency for skimping on portion sizes, but Tokyo sushi chef Hironori Ikeno has shrunken his craft to a whole new level of tiny. Mr Ikeno, who appears on a video by Reuters, has spent 13 years perfecting the art of scaling his sushi pieces down to a single grain of rice. The chef explains that his unusual art was born out of a joke with a customer, who he had once served a mini creation to, and which made him start to 'wonder' how tiny he could make it. 8e13f640-a880-11e3-b519-8f8a54708fbc_scale-of-small-sushi The miniature creations take five minutes to make, as opposed to just one minute per normal piece, and each weigh less than one gram and is said to taste just as good. Read more...
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