Everyone knows a good red should be allowed to breathe. Which is why the best ones are served from a decanter or through a high-tech wine aerating gadget. More oxygen to the wine equals deeper, more robust flavours. It’s science. The Legacy Aerating Wine Glasses let wine breathe without the need for a decanter or separate aerator – for a richer, more robust flavor. Perfect for the season...
Pour your wine of choice straight from the bottle into the glass’s central well. While your startled guests pop their monocles back in, the Legacy’s ten drainage holes speed up the wine’s flow while decreasing its pressure, aerating your wine better than any decanter.
And that’s the most important part. Not only are The Legacy Aerating Wine Glasses a tremendous talking piece, a marvellous spectacle and a high watermark for science, tests have shown they deliver flavour better than high tech rivals.
Worth a try...