I can hear you saying, "Why is this guy eating at Starbucks while he's in Paris, the land of amazing breakfast bites? And why did he do so for three days in a row?" Yes, Paris is the capital of good croissants, yummy baguettes and more - so why Starbucks? Yes, Well, I like the brand and what they have to offer. I found out that there were three branches located next to the hotel I was staying at, so I was curious to give each a try and compare the experience of Starbucks in Paris.

Waking up early every morning, Starbucks was the only place ready to welcome me for a coffee before sunrise. I decided to visit all three branches and order something different everyday. A different kind of coffee each day complemented with a tasty bite including a cake, a muffin and cinnamon roll. Every day was a unique experience where I had the chance to experience some of the different flavors Starbucks has to offer.
I loved their approach and welcoming note: "Good morning sir, what will make you happy today?" I enjoyed the speed and professionalism.

On the first day, I went for cappuccino accompanied by a cinnamon roll. A great way to start your day with rich flavors. The cappuccino is so tasty, simple and rich. Even though 80% of it is filled with milk you don't feel this unpleasant reaction milk can have. Add to that a rich and appealing layer of foam, I enjoyed my coffee with a huge morning smile. With my coffee, I enjoyed their cinnamon roll. A cold and hard cinnamon roll, different than the ones Cinnabon on Cinzzeo. It is fresh and full of flavors. I cut the roll in small pieces and enjoyed it slowly. Yummy!

On the second day, I decided to try their holiday's special vanilla drink: (Vanilla spice latte, espresso, spices, vanilla and whipped cream). Since I am not too fond of sweet drinks, I asked to have it with only one shot. Served with whipped cream on top, this drink was awesome. Mmmm! I sat in the corner facing the street and enjoyed my coffee while watching Paris waking up to work. With that, I tried their holiday's special maple syrup chocolate cheesecake. What apiece of cake, what a creation! A crunchy base layer, rich cheese filling that doesn't taste too cheesy, topped with a layer of chocolate and mixed with maple syrup.

On the third day, which was a Sunday, I woke up early to learn that Starbucks opens at 8am - later than usual. So I started walking between one branch and the other until one of the employees saw me and opened the door while apologizing. He was nice and welcoming. He realized how badly I needed my coffee... I decided to go for mocha and try the muffins this time. Even though are made from frozen dough, they were superb. The raspberry white chocolate is really unique. The sweet raspberries explode under your teeth and crunching feel of the white chocolate bits just adds a sensation like no other... and the same feeling was felt while enjoying the chocolate muffin and it's crunching bits were awesome. Two moist muffins filled with rich ingredients... Yum! I sipped my coffee slowly and enjoyed the food, while listening to the finest jazz tunes playing in the background.

Just one thing bothered me, I was asked to stop taking photos in one of the locations. Here I would like to say; "Dear Starbucks superman employee, there are more photos of Starbucks on the net than that of President Obama, so please chill."
Starbucks may be a commercial concept or what some of you might consider to be expensive... May I ask you not to judge too quickly, especially when you hear other people bashing the place. Why? Starbucks like many other places suffer from people's criticism. McDonald's, for example, is always talked about saying words like yuck, junk but it's these but find themselves stopping for a Big Mac every now and then in complete secrecy.
Let's be realistic, places like these, chains, offer a kind of indulgence we all crave for every now and then, so let's enjoy it and give them some credit. After all, there's a good reason why they are surviving and expanding... worldwide.