June 11, 2015

Google's New Innovation: One Picture Gives You How Many Calories

Taking photographs of your food has become an everyday habit for me and many out there... I take them to share with you, others take them to share with their friends the colorful dishes they are enjoying at that moment... Today, there's a more valuable reason for instant food photography.

Let me tell you why... You can now know exactly how many calories you're injecting into your body by just one click of a picture.


Im2Calories, a new project from Google, uses deep learning algorithms to calculate how many calories are in a meal, from nothing more than an Instagram-sized image. To do this, Im2Calories uses image-recognition, in addition to widely available caloric information, to understand what food it is you have on your plate and tell you the estimated sum of calories you’re about to ingest.

Ok, so I guess I will skip of desserts today...

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