August 26, 2015

A McWhopper? Is the Battle of the Burgers Coming to an End?

Peace One Day, a non-profit that is lobbying to designate 21 September as Peace Day and their mantra is “Who will you make peace with?” Burger King chose to make peace with McDonald's. In a full-page “open letter” in The New York Times and Chicago Tribune, Burger King proposes to their competitor, McDonald’s, that they collaborate on a joint burger for world peace.


Burger King was hoping for a hybrid burger with McDonald's and call it McWhopper, “with all the tastiest bits of your Big Mac and our Whopper, united in one delicious, peace-loving burger”. Burger King offers that a mixed crew sell the hybrid burger on 21 September, at a pop-up store at an unnamed location.

But news just came out the McDonald's declined the offer.






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