January 21, 2015

Climbing Kilimanjaro to Help Heartbeat Save a Baby, a Child Born with Heart Problems

Lyna and Georges have decided to embark on a crazy little project for the year 2015. This coming February, they are going to climb (or rather try to climb) Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania!

Mount Kili is the highest peak in Africa, with an elevation of 5,895m. Among the many reasons they’ve decided to pick this challenge is the fact that they’d like to raise funds for HEARTBEAT, a Lebanese NGO that treats babies and children born with heart problems. With 5,895 USD matched to the 5,895 meters climb, they’ll be able to fully fund the treatment of one among hundreds of children born with a type of heart disease called "tertralogy of fallot" - and who needs to be operated this year.

If they raise more than 5895$, the exceeding amount will be used to cover the treatment costs of a second child, and then hopefully a third one!

For that, you can check the online fundraising campaign on HelpForLeb, which you’ll find on that link: http://www.helpforleb.com/campaigns/help-us-raise-5895-for-heartbeat-while-we-climb-5895m/ 

You can donate online starting from 10$ up to … 1000$.  ANY amount is welcome and will greatly count!

Rest assured that all the proceeds will go directly to Heartbeat.

Around 600 children are born with heart disease in Lebanon every year. Since 2005, Heartbeat has funded the treatment of more than 1,700 children, 60% of whom were less than three years old.

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